So yeah.... it's been sometime since I have been on here, but live has been moveing fast and fast the past month. Sorry about that...anyway, so this past weekend we were hit with a huge winter storm. I think that we ended up with at 13 inches of snow, and the worst part was all the blowing snow... I would say that it was a full blown blizzard! We took some video of the storm durring the worst part of the day. This was at about 5pm,
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Long Day!
So today we were suppost to go out and do some shopping, then later today we are to go to a shwo and hang out with some friends, however that was blown out of the water now that Katie's paycheck didn't show up!! So now I am stuck here sitting on my couch be completely borad out of my head and takeing it out on everyone eles!!! I hate sitting around after we had huge plans! This has always upset me....I can't even calm down long enought to type. Oh and if I have to watch the producer one more time, I am going to scream. I beleve that we watch this one a weekend. THERE ARE MORE THEN ONE MOVIE IN THE WORD PEOPLE!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
So just in case you didn't know.......I love the X-Men movies!! My favoret character is none other then Magneto...Or I guess I should say that I like Ian McKellen! This video expresses a sadder side of the movies. I like this movie for the fact that it shows Magneto's more human side. We see him as a man who loses his best friend...also I have to admit that when I saw this the first time I cried like a baby! This is a wonderful video.....Kudos to the creator!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Anger comes quickly
So I was on YouTube yesterday and I was looking forward to watching a video that looked to be something about a movie I eyes were violated by a video produced a by a certain group of no meat eaters! This film really...really got my meat and potatoes, Irish blood bolling! This video basically said "Hey, if you eat meat they you are are cruel to animals" and "All you American farmers who pour maga dollars into our economy each year, STOP!".
Now I in no way endorse any type of cruel behavior towered animals..... and yes the image of the person drilling a drill bit into a pigs head while the pig is still alive.........that is beyond cruel and that person should be shot. However, those are a few bad people, all meat eaters should not be put into that group of people! I grew up on a farm and we never did that to any of the animals that we had......including the animals that we killed for food.
How would none meat eaters deal if they found out that plants had fellings too? What if I told them that by eating plants they were takeing away the air we breath....we need plants in order to have oxygen.........STOP EATING OUR OXYGEN!!!
Now I in no way endorse any type of cruel behavior towered animals..... and yes the image of the person drilling a drill bit into a pigs head while the pig is still alive.........that is beyond cruel and that person should be shot. However, those are a few bad people, all meat eaters should not be put into that group of people! I grew up on a farm and we never did that to any of the animals that we had......including the animals that we killed for food.
How would none meat eaters deal if they found out that plants had fellings too? What if I told them that by eating plants they were takeing away the air we breath....we need plants in order to have oxygen.........STOP EATING OUR OXYGEN!!!
So finally..........I was able to get back into my blog. Sorry about the long time with no updates! I am back so no one has to worry!!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Sense and Sensibility
Just to show how much I love this man in this role........or to really embarrass is a wonderful video montage of Alan Rickman in his role as Col. Christopher Brandon from Sense and Sensibility!!
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

So for those of you who know know I am a huge.......I mean HUGE......Alan Rickman fan. Oh and just so you know I liked him before Harry Potter. In fact it was his role in Sense and Sensibility as the sweet and charming Col. Christopher Brandon that allowed me to know the man is an amazing actor. He was able to convey so much emotion with out actually saying much, his facial expressions just makes you cry.....(also the man looks good in a uniform..........THAT'S RIGHT I SAID IT!!)
But enough about Jane Austin, anytime that Mr. Rickman has a new movie I make it a point to head out to the movie theater and see it. Why, because I know that it is bound to be a good movie. So this weekend my wife and my roommate headed into Des Monies to see
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.

Now I will warn anyone reading this, that I might give away some of the movie, so if you haven't seen the movie and are planning to, you might want to come back to this post after you have seen the movie.
Perfume is the story of a young Frenchman back in the 1700's who was born with a sense of smell that is simple amazing. He can smell things for miles away. We follow the story about how he comes to learn how to make perfumes and also we learn that he has a burning longing to capture the smells of young women. This leads him to killing the young women in order to take their smells. By doing this he creates the perfect perfume, this makes the world see him as some type of angel instead of the murder he really is. However, I will warn you that towards the end of the movie there is a lot...and i mean a lot of naked people. But it dose server a purpose to the story like so it's all good.
The movie has some beautiful camera work and the acting is honest, and Mr. Rickman commands your heart to be tied to his as he fights in vain to save his daughter from the murder haunting the town. Buy the end of the movie you are praying that the man will have the strength to kill the man who takes his daughters life, however, he to falls under the spell of the powerful perfume.
Anyway, no matter what the reviews say, I believe that Rickman deliverers yet another amazing performance. WAY TO GO ALAN!!!
Sunday, January 7, 2007

So what do you do when you are broad on a Saturday night? Go ghost hunting of course!!!
Living in small town Iowa I always heard the rumors of the haunted bridge out in the country west of town. There has never been any real proof if anything happening at the bridge, so my wife and my roommate decided that we would go and see if we could get anything on film. While we did have some strange feelings and heard some very strange tabbing on the sides of the bridge, we never really saw anything. However, once we started looking at the photos when we got home, we found a few fun things. Have a look at tell me what you think.
Just so you know, the weather conditions were as follows, the temp was about 35 degrees, there was no wind, and the sky was clear. Also, we were on a wooden bridge with only one refection surface which was the car in the back of some photos, we were also, carrying a device that produced white noice , now i don't know if that helped or did not help, but anyway, the photos are here for your option.

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