So what do you do when you are broad on a Saturday night? Go ghost hunting of course!!!
Living in small town Iowa I always heard the rumors of the haunted bridge out in the country west of town. There has never been any real proof if anything happening at the bridge, so my wife and my roommate decided that we would go and see if we could get anything on film. While we did have some strange feelings and heard some very strange tabbing on the sides of the bridge, we never really saw anything. However, once we started looking at the photos when we got home, we found a few fun things. Have a look at tell me what you think.
Just so you know, the weather conditions were as follows, the temp was about 35 degrees, there was no wind, and the sky was clear. Also, we were on a wooden bridge with only one refection surface which was the car in the back of some photos, we were also, carrying a device that produced white noice , now i don't know if that helped or did not help, but anyway, the photos are here for your option.

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